Image coming soon

The arrangements for the Biathlon World Cup are progressing as planned

Biathlon World Cup event 9.-15.3. Kontiolahti is preparing as planned. In dealing with the coronavirus, the organizers will follow the instructions of the Finnish authorities.

Finnish authorities are constantly monitoring and evaluating the coronavirus epidemic. The arrangements for the Biathlon World Cup event to be contested in Kontiolahti next week are progressing according to preliminary plans.

─As before, we closely follow the instructions of the Finnish authorities together with the International Biathlon Federation and the Finnish Biathlon Federation and follow them. At the moment, the preparations are progressing according to the original plan, says the director of the competition Tomi-Pekka Riihivuori.

Good hygiene is a weapon against the spread of viruses

As in previous years, the organizer takes infectious disease risks into account in the risk management plan, which takes into account operating instructions emphasizing good hygiene.

The Norwegian Institute of Health and Welfare THL provides instructions on its website on how public events can take into account the spread of the coronavirus.

─ You can protect yourself from the new corona virus in the same way as from other respiratory infections. It is important to take care of good hand hygiene and correct coughing. The use of a mouth-nose mask is not recommended unless the person himself has symptoms of a respiratory infection, says THL's website.

Read more about the coronavirus from THL's website