Image coming soon

Those participating in the bus transportation can take the bus near the main gate of the stadium.


Free race transportation from Joensuu and Kontiolahti - see schedules and routes

Public transports to the biathlon stadium run from the center of Joensuu, Kontiolahti church village and Lehmo every day of the competition from 3rd to 6th. March.

The city of Joensuu and the municipality of Kontiolahti organize free bus transportation for the public to Kontiolahti during the Biathlon World Cup on every race day from Thursday to Sunday, 3rd-6th. March.

The departure and return point for buses in Joensuu is in the center on Torikatu at the market. Buses run from Kontiolahti both from Kirkonkylä (bus station) and from Lehmo (Lehmo school, Kylmäojantie 6). Lehmo's buses also go around Kylmäoja school.

Bus transportation to the stadium starts two hours on weekdays and two hours and 15 minutes on weekends before the first race start.

The first return rides leave the stadium 15-20 minutes before the end of the race. Buses leave every 15-30 minutes depending on the route and daily schedule.

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Info: Free public transportation from Joensuu, Kontiolahti church village and Lehmo

Route from Joensuu:

  • Departure and return: At Joensuu market on Torikakutu.

Route from Lehmo:

  • Departure and return: Lehmo school (Kylmäojantie 6). You can also board and disembark along the route (Kylmäojantie-Kruununtie-Napakympintie). The buses also go around Kylmäoja school on the way to the stadium and on the way back, if there are people traveling to Kylmäoja school on board.

Bus route from Kontiolahti church village:  

  • Departure and return: Bus station (Puistotie). You can board and disembark from all stops on Keskuskatu.