Image coming soon

12 international radio or television channels have registered for the opening of the World Cup in Kontiolahti, which broadcast the atmosphere of the competition to their home country. Photo from March 2022: Esa Kinnunen.


Biathlon World Cup: Backup power machines secure electricity in the event of a breakdown

Three backup generators ensure electricity for television broadcasts, lighting and score service.

Kontiolahti 29.11.-4.12. in the opening week of the Biathlon World Cup, there are eight starts on the program. You can compete in sprint, pursuit, normal races and relays.

"We expect more than 10,000 visitors to the venue during the race week. The construction of the competition venues has gone according to schedule, and finishing works are currently being done. The tracks are also in good condition", says the chairman of the Kontiolahti Sportsmen's Association and the director of the competition Kimmo Turunen.

Electricity more important than water

One important part of the preparations is ensuring electricity distribution.

Turunen says that the International Biathlon Union IBU obliges the organizer to certify the electricity distribution during the competition events.

"We can manage without water for a while, but electricity must be available without interruption throughout the week, so that the competitions can be carried out normally", says Turunen.

Three machines securing

Electricity distribution in the stadium is ensured by three different backup generators. Their most important task is to secure the completion of the competition, even if there is a break in the area's normal electricity supply.

"We have delivered three large backup engines to the stadium. With their combined capacity, several hundred detached houses could be electrified on a frosty day. Here, the machines' task is to secure lighting, international TV broadcasts, the results service and electricity supply to the main buildings in the event of disturbances. Everything that affects the completion of the competition has been verified," says Jari Janttonen, the electrical network installer of Enerke Oy, which is responsible for the stadium's electricity distribution.


Securing electricity distribution in major events: Biathlon World Cup in Kontiolahti 29.11.-4.12.

  • Backup engines are started a few hours before the race starts.
  • The backup generators are running alongside the power grid during the competition.
  • In addition to events, the reserve power fleet can supply temporary electricity during maintenance work by industry or network companies, for example at network construction sites and in connection with storm damage repairs.
  • Enerke Oy's back-up power generators, which secure the electricity production of the Biathlon World Cup, are also in use, for example, at the Ilosaarirock festival organized annually in Joensuu.