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Archery, which became a favorite in autumn, will spice up the 2021 Christmas in Kontiolahti

The archery activity that started in August has become a popular program service number of the fall. Due to its popularity, the sport moves indoors for the winter and is available all year round.

The archery opportunity opened by Kontiolahti Outdoor in August has proven to be a popular novelty during the fall.

—Demand has been a positive surprise. The groups have found the sport trial very pleasant, says Kimmo Turunen, CEO of Kontiolahti Outdoor.

The sport is particularly suitable as a program for amateurs and other groups.

—Almost everyone can participate in archery. It's especially great to see how participants in all groups get experiences of learning and success in just one hour, says Turunen.

All year round indoor    

Due to its popularity, Kontiolahti Outdoor has made a setting for archery trials also indoors, in the Kontiolahti Sports Gym.

—With small arrangements, we can get three tracks of about ten meters in the hall. Thanks to this, you can now get to know archery all year round, says Turunen.

In Little Christmas as Wilhelm Tell

Kontiolahti Outdoor started offering small Christmas packages to groups for the first time this year. In addition to a hearty meal, the package can include activities such as archery and gunpowder-free eco-gun shooting.

—Archery and gunpowder-free eco-gun shooting are easy, simple program numbers that can also be implemented indoors, but which inspire the participants, where group members get to encourage each other before moving on to eating.

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