Experiential Pedagogical Teamwork: Joensuu

Experiential Pedagogical Teamwork: Joensuu

Napakympintie 24, 81100 Kontiolahti

Min 10 persons

This program requires head, hands and feeling. The content of the program consists of various problem-solving tasks, which are done together among group members. Every member of the group is important for success, because you are a TEAM.

New conditions create adventure and experientiality for your group.

Duration: 1 hour
Group size: Minimum 10 people
Availability: All year
Equipment: Appropriate clothing
Guide languages: Finnish or English
Suitability: For normal fitness

10-20 people:
21–30 persons: €36/person
over 30 persons: €33/person
Additional hours: +€5/person

The price includes: Guide services

Additional services: Coffee and meals
Change: We take into account the allergies and diets you have indicated in the order

Cancellation conditions: Cancellation 7 days to 5 days before the start of the event: 50% of the agreed price will be charged. Cancellation 4 days–1 day before the start of the event: 100% of the agreed price will be charged. Billing is based on the number of people confirmed 4 days before the start of the event.

The rights to changes are reserved.

33–40 €/person

Napakympintie 24, 81100 Kontiolahti

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