Photo contest

Joy of Biathlon picture competition

Photograph the competition between 12 and 15 March 2020 and win tickets to the opening of the Biathlon World Cup in November 27 and 29 November!

Take a photo of the Joy of Biathlon during 12.–15.3.2020 and win tickets to Biathlon World Cup opening in 27.–29.11.!

Take a photo on the topic «Яродость биатлона» в время время человения современтании 12. – 15.3.2020, upload it to BCASTER and win tickets for the opening of the World Cup of biathlon on 27. – 29.11.!< /p>

What does a proper race harness look like? What about the loudest encouragement? What kind of expression would you use to push biathlon skiers to their peak? We are looking for photos that capture the excitement of the race at its best. Use creativity and go crazy - you can be a part of the racing fun in November as well!

How does the Joy of Biathlon look like? The loudest cheer? The winning expression while doing just that? We're looking for photos that Capture the Joy of Biathlon at its best. Use your Imagination & be as Silly as you'd like - we might ask you join us again in November!

What does «Радость биатлона» look like? The same loud greeting? Same original expression of the face? We are looking for photos that capture the joy of biathlon in the best way. Use your imagination and be as stupid as you want - and we can invite you to join us again in November!

Step 1:
- Take a picture of the competition with your smartphone.
- Take a photo of the Joy of Biathlon on your smartphone.
- Сделайте фотографию на ваш smartphone, using all your imagination!

Step 2:
- Go to on your smartphone and click on the camera icon that appears at the bottom right of the page. (My camera icon will be activated on 12 March 2020)
- Go to on your mobile phone and click the camera icon on the bottom right side of the screen. (The camera icon will be activated on the 12.3.2020)
- Go to the official site on your mobile phone and click the camera icon in the lower right part of the screen. (Значок камеры will be activated on 12.3.2020)!

Step 3:
- Send a photo or more and fill in your information to participate in the contest!
- Send the photo or a few and fill your information in order to take part in the competition!
- Send photos (more than one photo), as well as leave contact information to participate in the contest!

The jury will choose the best photo depicting the joy of the race from each day of the race (March 12–15, 2020). The one who took the best photo of the day will win 2 full-time tickets to the Biathlon World Cup opening in Kontiolahti on November 27-29! We will also raffle tickets among all those who sent the picture.

A jury will select the best picture depicting the Joy of Biathlon each race day (12.–15.3.2020). The person who took the best picture wins 2 full time tickets to the World Cup opening event in Kontiolahti on the 27.–29.11.! We also raffle tickets among all participants.

The jury will choose the best photograph that depicts the joy of biathlon with each race (March 12-15, 2020). The winner will receive two tickets for the opening of the World Cup in Kontiolakhti on November 27 and 29! Tickets are played among all participants.

The picture sharing application for the photo contest was developed by the Finnish company BCaster.
The picture sharing app has been developed by a Finnish company called BCaster.
The Bcaster application was developed by a Finnish company called Bcaster.

The rules of the competition are here.
The rules of the competition are here Правила конкурса можно найти здесь.